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Noise Reduction Is The Path To Quiet Comfort

Noise affects us everyday; below are a few things you should know about sound and how it’s measured.

Noise Reduction

What is STC?

STC stands for Sound Transmission Class. This is a method of gauging sound transmission loss through a wall. The American Standards and Testing Materials criteria is universally accepted by architects, designers, manufacturers, contractors and distributors of acoustical building products. The original acceptability of STC 34 walls must be reconsidered with the advent of increasing noise pollution.

STC Assessment:

What Are dBs?

While an STC rating is given in terms of points, the data is given in terms of decibels. A decibel, or dB, is a unit measure reflecting “how loud” a sound is. A sound pressure level of 0 dB represents the threshold of hearing in the most sensitive frequency range of a young, healthy ear, while the thresholds of tickling or painful sensations in the ear occur at about 120 to 130 dB. Do you have a need for noise reduction services at your home or business? Our top rated noise reduction specialists install cellulose insulation in walls and floors to help reduce noise pollution and improve your comfort. 

Sound Levels & Human Response

Common Sound
Noise Level
Hearing begins
10 dB
Just Audible
Broadcasting Studio
20 dB
Soft whisper
30 dB
Very quiet
Quiet Office
40 dB
Light Auto Traffic
50 dB
60 dB
Noisy Restaurant
70 dB
Alarm Clock
80 dB
City Traffic
90 dB
Garbage Truck
100 dB
Rock Concert
110 dB
Very Loud
Jet Taking Off
120 dB

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